
Refer Your Customers

Every customer you refer – will ensure you get the installation job, while we handle the rest. We handle the sale, design, MCS, grant, and everything else. Grow your business, refer customers, and get up to £5,000 per install, with a £500 bonus – only with HPIN.

Man on phone

Your Personal Sales, Design & Admin Office

We fully support growing your business and helping more of your current customers benefit from air-source heat pumps.

We also know it can be challenging when recommending & selling an ASHP to a customer. Not to mention the amount of effort needed to calculate heat loss, system design, logistics and ordering, MCS registration, grant application, and all the customer hand-holding along the way.

So we removed it – all of it. HPIN is the only network for installers to grow with heat pumps hassle-free. We take care of everything. Simply pass us your referral, and we handle everything in between and pass you back the installation.

It could not be easier!


Sell More Heat Pumps

Our heat pump experts will liaise with your customers, answering any questions they may have and help them decide if it’s something they wish to proceed with.

Reduce Admin & Paperwork

Focus on the work that makes you money (installing), while we handle everything else. Reduce your overheads, have more time, and stay one step ahead.

Grow Your Business

Generate a consistent flow of installs which pay between £2,500 & £5,000 in your local area, by referring your own customers, helping them cut carbon & save energy.

I’ve Submitted The Form – What Happens Next?

Sales & Quotation

We will use our 20+ years experience to guide the customer towards a sale – it they choose not to proceed you will be notified.

Heat Loss & Design

If happy to go ahead, we’d need you to complete a quick technical assessment of the property and pay you £150.


On installation day, We deliver everything to the site. After the install, we pay you up to £5k, as well as the £500 bonus.

Well organised and effective at what they do.

Douglas Ruddock

HPIN Installer

Honest, trustworthy, transparent, competitive and great people to work with.


HPIN Installer

Great straight forward experience, staff very knowledgeable and always there to help.

Patrick Calvert

HPIN Installer

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